Technical Tips:

For hi res video files or any attachments larger than 25M, please contact us at and we’ll provide instructions for uploading the file via google drive. 

If your submission is audio or text based, please send an image (e.g. photo) to represent it in the archive gallery.

If your submission is video or an image, please provide a caption.

The two years of the pandemic have been like no other. Some of us were ill or had seriously ill family members. Some of us have lost family and friends. Some worked throughout the pandemic, at times risking their lives, while others lost their jobs. Some suffered from mental health challenges. All of us were locked up at home for extended periods of time, away from family and friends. Some were locked up with people they did not want to be locked up with. None of us knew how things would turn out and if we would ever return to normal.  

Many of you attended classes on Zoom for the past two years. Some of you are setting foot on campus for the first time this semester. 

We would like to hear from all of you; listen, read, and see your Covid years experiences through photos, writing and video. 

The Rifkind Center for the Humanities and Arts is creating a CCNY Covid Memorial Project and we would like to collect evidence of your experiences in the past two years. We will do it in support of and in connection with you so that as a collective we do not forget what we have been through during these unprecedented and uncertain times.  

Please share with us anything related to the pandemic: diaries; memoir pieces; random notes; photos of yourself, family, friends, strangers, New York and other cities and countries; photos and stories of people you have lost; photos of yourself; home videos; hospital records; funny moments, absurd moments; scary moments; sad moments; drawings; paintings; any art you made, collages. Anything you are comfortable sharing. 

In the coming months, we plan to collect your histories and experiences and with your permission create a public exhibition in order to share with each other what we have been through. Please note, we will not share anything without your permission. That is why it is important that you either submit what you will be comfortable sharing, or ask to not share, or to share anonymously.  

For now, we would just like to hear from you, collect the information and begin the process of acknowledging and healing from our COVID life.

To submit your materials or request additional info, please send an email to:
Please submit your materials by April 15th.

See technical Tips above for details what and how to submit